Markham College

Markham College
Head of Markham College

Judy Cooper

Judy Cooper - Head of Markham College
Personal Assistant to the Head

Monica Lynch
PA to the Head of Markham - Monica Lynch
Communications Director

Sandra Arzubiaga

Sandra A. Communications
Communications Manager


Natalia Tarnawiecki


Natalia T. Communications

Dawn De Litizia

LAHC Rep / General Queries  
This is a crucial moment in the 77 years of Markham College´s history. We have reevaluated our guiding statements and are celebrating 30 years of becoming a co-educational school. Besides these very important milestones, we are making important changes to our teaching-learning approaches, developing our coaching and restorative practice skills to support a positive approach to conversation and how we build relationships. Additionally, we are members of the Council of International Schools (CIS) and applying for accreditation.
San Antonio Campus
The new Primary at Markham College
We are adopting the Primary Years Programme (PYP) International Baccalaureate curriculum, which runs in line with constructing a new Primary building facility on our Monterrico campus. PYP is a flexible framework and has an inquiry approach, building collaboration and agency to give the best learning experience in the best learning spaces. This world-class primary facility of 27,778 m2 will be finished in 2024. It is a state-of-the-art educational facility reflecting the school's advanced pedagogic approach.

New Primary Aerial PhotoMarkham is moving away from the traditional four-wall classroom, developing flexible learning spaces that encourage independent learning in different environments. Teachers are developing new ways of working and collaborating across groups and disciplines. We are progressively extending learning opportunities to teachers across Lima and beyond to share best practices. Architect Rosan Bosch has worked with the school to show how breakout spaces and rooms for immersion give students at Markham more autonomy and choices in planning and executing their learning journey. “The design offers a community structure that replaces the traditional classrooms and provides an inspiring learning landscape with the learner at the centre. Markham College is designed to stimulate students' creative skills and agile mindsets while supporting them in building strong connections beyond their year group.” Rosan Bosch, Founder and Creative Director of Rosan Bosch Studio.

The new primary building includes greatly improved science labs and an ICT, design, coding and robotics innovation centre. There will be a food science lab to explore nutrition as a science, performance centres for theatre and music and spaces for visual art exhibitions. Sports will be key, with the field acting as a village green at the heart of the community. The sports centre will have competition courts, an indoor gymnastics area, and swimming pools for different ages and development levels. 
New Primary Interior
Environmentally friendly and sustainable
HydroponicsThe Student-led Environmental Council is spreading awareness of empowering and educating youth through three amazing projects. Markham's Journey Towards Carbon Neutrality, Solar Panels, and Hydroponics. The aim is to make Markham a leader in addressing the climate emergency by committing to becoming carbon neutral by 2027 with help from the NGO Regenera. The school has measured its GHG Emissions Inventory / Carbon Footprint for 2022, and is taking measures to compensate. The Solar Panel project run through the STEM Society is implementing solar panels on one of the school´s roofs with the aim of working towards 100% renewable energy. Students are developing hydroponic farming that will slowly transform Markham’s food supply into more water- and space-efficient. 
Student engagement and involvement are vital in transforming Markham into a sustainable school. Each year, students are offered the opportunity to become part of or lead student-led environmental volunteering projects as well as apply to be part of the Environment Council, organisers of environmental events and initiatives.
Teachers training teachers

Markham teachers training teachers workshops for the State's High-Performance Schools (Colegios de Alto Rendimiento-COAR) began six years ago within the framework of the inter-institutional collaboration agreement between the Markham Trust and the Ministry of Education in Peru. The aim is to contribute to sharing knowledge and help improve the country's public education, which aligns with our social responsibility policy. Since then, Markham College teachers have voluntarily trained over 129 teachers from COARs in Peru's 25 regions online and in person. COAR teachers participated in workshops on IB subjects: English, Chemistry, Physics, Visual Arts, Music, Extended Essay Language and Literature - Category 3, History, TOK, ICTs and capacity building for coordinators, and a coaching session. Markham teachers also visited COARs specialised in the Arts to develop a visual arts workshop and methodologies for music teaching. This initiative has been made possible thanks to donations from members of the Markham Community, which have enabled the Markham Trust to finance 100% of the workshops and travel expenses.

COAR 2023