LAHC Annual Conference 2024 Logo Competition winner announced

We are delighted to announce the winners of the LAHC Annual Conference 2024 Logo Competition. The judging panel was made up of three Honorary Members (David Bamford, Ian Tate and Peter Lacey) together with the Executive Officer, and the entries were assessed on five criteria: clarity of information, visual impact, strength of message, originality and suitability for use in publicity materials.
There were some outstanding entries, and the final decision was as follows:
Competition winner
Juan Ignacio García Mendiola - Abraham Lincoln School, Lima, Peru
Competition winner
Runners up
Juan Pablo González González - Victoria School, Tequisquiapan, Mexico
Runner up 1
Samanvitha Surasgar - Craighouse School
Runner up 2
Honourable mentions
Caroline Meyer - St Francis College, São Paulo, Brazil
Honorable mention 1
Antônia Zanin - St Francis College, São Paulo, Brazil
Honorable mention 2
We will use the winning entry for most of the conference publicity material, but we will also use the runners up where possible and appropriate in certain contexts.
Many thanks to all of the schools that participated and congratulations to the winners.